Name: Mark
Live in: Israel
otkuda znau pro vas: videl na forume/igre
kogda na4el igrat na server:nedavno gde ta 3 dna
igrok: D3ath poka tolko na4il nada laggy po4enit sobirus bit Abyss Wlaker
online na nedele: igrau mnogo po patnizam i subotam ewo bolwe
opit v party: opit est
po4emu imena v naw clan: potomu shto ruski clan da i silniy kak videl
nemnogo a sebe: Lineage 2 <3
soz ne vidil shto na english drugie voprosi
Have you been a member of other clans on this server: ne bil tolko na4el igrat
Are there any other servers that you have played on?: da igral nemnogo na l2abys na l2 XEBRA
What do you expect from the clan?: help v PVP shtobi bila skem po spamit ato odnomu ne interesna igrat:)
Are you ready to loose % for a honor of the clan?: DA !
In your own words, describe what assist means: helping someone with his target
What is your chars equipment atm?: ne4evo poka igral 10 min u mena 4ota lag
Do you know that Manor means and how to manor?: not realy
Online time (by the Moscow time):17:00-22:00
Your contact information( mail, icq and such...): ICQ 296584060
Necessary condition to enter the clan- use of TeamSpeak/Ventrilo, do you have a microphone?: da est mogi zaiti vTS
What is your internet speed?: 5mb (no vse ravno lagau postraus po4int)
How many windows can you upload in the same time?: 2-3
Do your accept all the clan rules? if don't, please write here what exactly you don't agree about: da soglasen
Отредактировано D3ath (15:03:2009 17:0:56)